Monday, January 10, 2011

Foundation article

Dear reader, thanks for visiting this blog. In this brief introduction we are going to tell you who we are (or something like that), why we are doing this, the translation and meaning of the name of this blog and what you should expect by visiting it on a regular basis.

This blog has been created and will be run by 4 Italian guys coming from different parts of Italy and who all met in Dublin. Colleagues at first in a IT multinational, we somehow stuck together and became friends (the 3 of them, one of us has a different concept of friendship but we can appreciate other sides of his character so we accept him anyway). We prefer not to disclose our names at this stage even if you will soon understand who is who (possibly). We have a wide range of interests and we like to discuss among us about several matters, in person or through a private forum, this is how we communicated virtually over the last 3 years. We felt the need to share our fields of interest, opinions, suggestions and adventures to friends, acquaintances, family and even strangers if they feel like reading us.

The main reason why we are doing this NOW is strictly linked to the name of the blog "aiquattroventi" which in English means "to the 4 winds". After having shared many experiences, dinners, parties, week ends away and much more, we are slowly splitting and being scattered through the world, all in different places. Dublin, Lisbon and Sydney are the 3 main destinations, the 4th coming up soon. However, the matter is that each of us will follow his own path.

What a best moment to start a new project all together?! Don't you think? ;-)

In Italian, "Ai 4 venti" is an expression which reflects our situation having a double meaning: on one side means "scattered far away", which is happening to us; on the other means " openly, publicly" which is exactly what we want to do, to open ourselves to the world in order to allow us and people close to us to follow us more easily. Our user names are all related to the poems of Homer, Ilyad and Odissey, because they are 2 stories to which we feel all very close.

We don't want to feel too much committed and don't want to promise any regularities. What we do can tell you is that we have yes busy lives, but we all like writing and sharing information, so we will just shift our "communication ground" from the forum to the blog. The topics will vary impressively (or at least we believe so) and we hope some of them will be relevant to you.

Why should you follow us and not another blog? Because we will lead an alternative blog! Having 4 authors to nurture it might be a key element for variety and continuity: “Ai quattro venti” will probably become the most heterogeneous and exciting site of the web!

Think about an indefinite point pointed at randomly from the wind rose ... a magic place, where motionless feelings end, and wish and will of eternal youth begin. Think about that, an enchanting point that shakes the adventure’s wit which led 4 young men in search of new worlds around … the world; think about the freedom symbolised by this title, a freedom that we all strive to keep and increase.

All the best and..... cover up, strong and majestic winds are foreseen! ;-)

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