Saturday, January 15, 2011

Flat Ass – the journey: day 0

After feeling my legs weak for the last 3 days in Bologna at my parent's place due to excitement linked to the coming experience, the D-day had finally arrived.
But what was my physical state? Wrecked. In Ireland I had to close down the Irish chapter under the Christmas holidays in 8 days; I worked until 31st December, cleaned my flat, ultimated the luggage, celebrated New Year's Eve with Polifemo and Ulysses (cool party guys!), slept 3 hours and flew to Bologna to meet up with dozens of relatives and friends. My agenda was steadily fully booked but managed to make everybody happy and myself too of course: this Italian spell was absolutely necessary to me. I feel refreshed and recharged!
The night before the D-day I slept 2 hours also due to the early flight to London, leaving at 6:30 am.
I come across the first destabilizing surprise at the check in: the very kind Italian lady remarks the fact that I had to change airport in London. Yes, yes I know.....WHAT?!?! Airport?? Correct, landing in Gatwick and taking off from Heathrow. Damn me for assuming things (is Mr Sandler – me – on a downwards spiral?!) and damn the agency for not extra mentioning it, uff. How to face this? Panicking or defiantly taking it as an adventure? Come on guys, Super Luke fears nothing!
Negative remark on British Airways for hiring an extra person (in addition to the usual -sic- security checks) to inspect your personal effects. Again?? Once more you want to sneak into my personal life, once more you want to fool me with your security placebo while removing my rights to the privacy? Oh yeah, a strawberry yoghurt containing an H bomb has not been detected by Italian carabinieri, strategic move British Airways!
In the meantime, paying passengers were freezing in the bus with open doors in the cold and foggy Bolognese dawn while the nuclear genius was performing her inspections. Don't you wonder how I dressed up? Winter jacket to handle European winter or flip flops to be ready for Australia's summer?? Son of the compromise and mediation, I dressed up in a springish way ;-)
While taking off and listening to an english steward putting the accent always on the last WORD of the sentence (Welcome to British AIRWAYS; please fasten your seatBELLS; I wish you a pleasant FLIGHT...very annoying) I devoured the sandwiches made by mamma....salame and prosciutto with soft corn bread: I was in paradise. Grazie mamma!
To prove you that I did not panic at the idea of running through London against time, I fell asleep in the plane ...dreaming about more sandwiches :-)
In order to buy the bus ticked for the connection between the 2 airports I had to withdraw pounds...and of course after 12 days Italy I forgot my Irish PIN....aaaaaaarrrrggghhhh!!! Ok ok: I panicked there!
Anyway, my contacts with the British people made me come to the conclusion that they are mutating and became a new mix between germans and portuguese: precise but extremely sloooow!! !They were taking it easy and chatting while I was risking to miss my flight! dai cazzo! I got there just in time, yes!
At least I did some running...because for the next 20 + hours I would be renamed into “Flat Ass” that unfortunately has nothing to do with the movie “Kick Ass” by the way a very nice one.
My situation in brief: the plane was massive, the 2 storey Airbus 380, but the economy seats are kind of small, so definitely not comfortable! Also because we were provided with pillows, duvet + all my belogings but no place to put all those things! I was surrounded: in front a woman whose seat was steady laid back leaving me even less room; on the right a guy whom nobody told about the existence of tissues: he kept on sniffing without cleaning his nose :-S but the real problem was the left side, my only access to the “outer” world: a man who never said a word nor smiled and pretended not to see that he had to stand up when the sniffer or me had to go to toilet. When he was forced to because we raised our voices and touched him he puffed air from his mouth like a 4 year old unkind child!! simply amazing.
To conclude was my “automatic pilot”\survival mode in full power: when for example food was offered and I woke up just 2 seconds before the hostess turned to me, I tried to spot at least ONE word among the options and just replied: “the second you said” due to the incapacity to formulate a full sentence!!!.............
The checks at the Australian custom were better than I expoected, pretty smooth, not invasive and fast.
And then..........and then guys I exited the main doors and let the Australian air surround I'm really here!! so much talking and organizing and I really made it!! Temperature was 23' C with some warm perfect!
I was assigned to a Chinese taxi driver extremely kind who gave me the names of the neighboorhood according to the major concentration of the different minorities (example: Little Italy is called Laika, at least so I understood, need to double check anyway).
The hotel is located in Chatswood, Chinese neighboorhood, is very nice and most impressively my room is not a room, is a flat!
I took a walk around and what mostly stroke me was the smell in the air: full, warm, almost sweet and incredibly similar to the one in San Diego, CA, an air of summer, an air of happiness and adventure.
Ettore: I thought at your speeches about the Dublin air, wet, rich with many smells, thanks for underlining this aspect of a city.... however this is belongs to another league :-)
ps: pictures refer to: airbus 380; me with "nothing to declare but my genius" at the Australia custom; entrance of my hotel.


  1. Deal Luk, first of all congratulation!! Now your dream came true, real and you can touch, live and shape it every single day in this very special journey.
    I confirm, I will be one of your main supporters on this blog even because I stressed you a lot in order to create and go live with this blog. I am telling you, sometime I will write you in Italian because as we know some ideas and concepts have to be discussed and explained in the mother tongue language, because more strong.

    I wish you all the best.
    BY THE WAY,How is going the first day in the new office, new team, new manager and all the new stuff you will be going through??????



  2. Ehy man, your thinks are surprisingly clear, considering you are in AAAAUUUSTRAAALIIIAA since just a few days, (you bastard I hate you) but above all so hilarious!!!! I needed 3 weeks after moving to Portugal, for being calm enough to write something down.
    I mean, man, seriously, why are you fucking working in sales?!? You should be a showman my friend; you would get rich and powerful. I’ve been “spataccandomi” (Aeolus’ preferred word…something like… “Laughing till one's sides ache”) for 30 minutes, alone, in my room. (There was my flat mate by the way asking me: “are you watching a comedy?”. I replied: “Scchhhhhh I’m working on something serious, the blog!”)
    Seriously now, Aeolus you know how difficult is creating a post aiming to be interesting, comprehensive and analytical (also funny if you like), but after your posts man…is going to be hard for me, keeping your standards.
    For each one of your sentences I thought: “ Yeeeeeessss!!! That’s trueeeee!!! Me too me too me too!!!! Ahuhuahuhuahu Holy fucking jumping shit!!!! Huahuahuahuhua !!!!!”
    There is the plan:
    I’m going to comment your posts here, now, agora.(Portuguese ) 
    After that, considering our blog is newborn, your kangaroonian experience is newborn and my Portuguese experience is newborn too, I’ll stop writing trivial stupid shit and I’ll post my recent “collective email” : “Lisbon in Slow motion.”
    - “Where do I put the room key? How should I dress for breakfast? Where did I leave my wallet? Oh in the bedroom, I have to go back … again (3rd time in 3 hours )”
    - “The important Market City I had just visited was not marked: aaarrgh!!”
    - “forgot my Irish PIN....aaaaaaarrrrggghhhh!!! Ok ok: I panicked there!”
    - “a man who never said a word nor smiled and pretended not to see that he had to stand up when the sniffer or me had to go to toilet.”
    Yes man is just too funny when you live those things; they remind us our human being. I like it.
    "Little things we share," said George Carlin, an American comedian who (sadly to say) died 2
    years ago.

    Little things we have in common bro, things that nobody ever talks about.

    Have you ever looked at your watch… and then you don’t know what time it is?
    Who among us has not been found at least once ... standing in one of the rooms of our house ... without remembering why we went in there?

    And what about when the ferry slowly moves away from the port, and you think…actually you really believe for a second that it is the city moving?
    Like… if that moment someone tells you, "there we go, the ferry is moving" you are good for replying, “What are you fucking saying? Don’t you see? It is the city which is going away, you fool.”
    Small experiences, crazy things.

    Your perception of Australian people seems to be positive. Good, very good. “Kind, friendly, relaxed, and they smile when talking to you” Excellent. Lucky you man, I’ve got to use the thesaurus for describing Portuguese people: unkind, unfriendly and they definitely do not smile when talking to you. Gross too, for fuck sake. And slow. (For readers who don’t know me yet: Don’t take me too seriously. There is, of course, a kernel of truth in what I say…but I like playing a lot on human distinctiveness  I would say Italians, for instance, they are all day long going around eating pizza and playing their mandolino. Italian people…we are like that. Each of us has got our own mandolino. Ask to Aeolus; he carried his own mandolin to Australia for sure)

    Once again, high score for those 2 sentences:
    - “Oh yeah, a strawberry yoghurt containing an H bomb has not been detected by Italian carabinieri, strategic move British Airways”
    - “Saint Mary's cathedral is facing me (the Australian founders had really little fantasy for the names, is it Sydney or London?!)”

    huahuaahu so comic!!!!

  3. In relation to the Environment topic.
    Friendly behavior, the Australian one uhm? I didn’t know that before. I mean, I guessed so, but I didn’t know that for sure. Of course, we need to take into account different elements, such as for instance, the density. Ask to a Chinese guy to plant 2 or 3 palm-trees out of the office main door in Beijing. He will kill you. Are you out of mind? That space can be efficiently used for 20 Chinese workers. (You’ve already been in China, you know that). Australia is 7,617,930 km2 big and a population of 22 millions…No comment. Definitely, they’ve got space for palm-trees 
    By the way the pictures man…they are inspiring. Really, above all the second one, Stunning.

    Ahuahuhua I’m wondering if sydneysider know George Carlin

    Look at that:
    “We’re so self-important. So self-important. Everybody’s going to save something now. “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. What? Are these fucking people kidding me? Save the planet, we don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet… we’re gonna save the fucking planet?… Besides, there is nothing wrong with the planet. Nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine. The PEOPLE are fucked. Difference. Difference.The planet…the planet…the planet isn’t going anywhere. WE ARE! We’re going away. Pack your shit, folks. We’re going away.”

    In fine,

    3 more things:
    1) You were talking about a “magic” place where is possible to find everything. Great, find a job for me, please.
    2) How can you do Jogging the very first days in a new continent? I would not be able to do it. I would be too nervous. Congratulation.
    3) You say: “The plane was massive, the 2 storey Airbus 380, but the economy seats are kind of small, so definitely not comfortable!
    Yes, I definitely understand you. Direct flight, Dublin-San Francisco. Good price
    indeed…but the standard of comfort…HO-LY-SHIT!!!

    Ti voglio bene.
