Sunday, February 27, 2011

The fellowship of the ring.

"Know more about Portugal".That’s the name Itziar gave to our “secret” group on Facebook. Itziar is the Basque girlfriend of my Basque colleague, Alain. Crazy stuff. I’m in Portugal since 4 months and I’m already surrounded by radical Spanish people telling me what to do!!!! I won’t survive too long.
No…they are not politically radical, they don’t care about politics; they are serious people. They are radical to me!!!!!! Itziar treats me like a 5 years old kid: “ Filippo, fast your safety belt” “Filippo are you sleeping?” “Filippo, look: It was you, the dashboard is scratched” “ Filippo, are you eating inside the car?” “ Filippo, why didn’t you put your wet jacket back on the car trunk?” His boyfriend instead, Alain, is always trying to low my wit: “ Filippo, you’ve got a huge belly man… you’ve got to do something…” “Filippo, the reason why that woman is staring at you is because you are surprisingly ugly…” “One of the Filippo’s issues with women is the concentration. He’s not focused enough. He’s like…like… a…distracted shark: “Look! There is a tuna!!! Look!! A black sea bass!! There there!! an octopus!!!”…therefore, he never catches his prey”
Great people, Hilarious guys. Whoever said that the world is a bad and evil, has never known them.
I’m going to introduce them to you before getting to the “serious speech” about Portugal and his stunning places.

The fellowship of the ring.

The best thing I’ve got here in Lisbon so far, is the Company. No doubts. There is a pretty much consolidated group made up of: Marco, Riccardo, David, Alain, Astrid and Itziar.
We laugh a lot. They say laughing extends average life; I won’t be surprise after reaching my three hundredth
Marco moved to Lisbon a couple of days before me, from Barcelona. He’s Italian but has been living in Spain for years.

Well, not just Spain. This guy has basically lived everywhere: Brazil, Peru, Canada, USA, etc etc. Very interesting guy; If you are the kind of person who likes listening tales, well, you’ve got to know him. We share the same flat and I would say the cohabitation is fine despite some personality mismatch. He’s the “everything precise and everything in order, and everything must be perfect and clean” one, and that personality can sometime get in conflict with the “Ops! I forgot my mobile inside the fridge” other one (me). :-)

David; Spanish or better, as they like point out, Catalan.

David is the one who better understand me. He never asks questions when “I don’t feel like” and turn my mobile off, for instance. He’s definitely in line with my sense of humor, and when he’s not (like when I make stupid gags, the kind of gags making laugh just me – I often come up with them- ) he pretends to be amused avoiding me looking foolish. Thanks man :-) . Excellent photographer. (The attached pictures are his work)

Ricardo is Basque (Another one!!!) and is the one interested in stuff people are generally not even remotely interested on: quantum physics (he’s a physician), paleontology, European and Latin-American History, finance. (I will never forgot the night when, coming back from Bairo Alto, tired and tipsy, he explained to me the Argentinean BOT issue) I didn’t understand a word of what he was saying, but it was nice hearing him out. First-rate cook and wise counselor (He’s older than me, and I often ask for his point of view). Last but not least, he definitely looks like Dustin Hoffman.

Alain is our Wikipedia man. You’ve already got preview of him. Hilarious and proactive fellow, he basically knows everything, and not only work-related stuff, he literally knows everything! And he’s constantly committed is sharing with you his knowledge.

You should listen to him, while he’s driving, for example: “This beach is called blablabla. That’s a nice place; the water is generally cold (12-15°), but at least is never winding. You see there? (indicating an indefinite point only he can see) those mountains protect the beach from the wind. But is nice, trust me very nice, and if you don’t want a crowed place, well that’s the place for you, at least till august, because then is another story. Yes because in August etc etc etc . for hours. He tells you everything about the places we are visiting. Not too much about the history ( Ricardo explains that to us ) but all the rest you need to know: How many girls go there and where are they from in average, where you can park the car, local city council issue’s, old anecdotes. Perfect guide. He’s been living in Lisbon from a few years now. Finally, great technician.

Astrid, Norwegian

Picture that! A tall and beautiful Norwegian girl who moved to Lisbon after living in Argentina. She got the most authentic Argentinean accent a not Argentinean person can get. Astrid own what I call “the cosmic lightness”. What’s that? Well the cosmic lightness is that little effort some people have to do to instantly result exceptional. Astrid is Astrid, just a sunray lighting the room each time she smiles.
And she’s very funny, oh…yes, she is. The two Astrid’s preferred words (we talk mostly in Spanish) are “pessimo” which means “awful” and “fantastico” which means fantastic. From the Astrid point of view things in general are pessime or fantastiche. White or black, there are no other colors, different connotations. From her point of view winning a lottery is fantastic as much drinking a beer is, and losing a toothbrush is pessimo as a car accident is.

You got the Itziar preview too, but honestly, the description I gave doesn’t do justice to her.

First of all, she’s extremely beautiful, and when I say “extremely beautiful”, I mean it. She’s smart, very precise and organized, maybe too much :-P. She’s so methodic that sometime I wonder if she’s actually Swiss and not Spanish. And she’s patient too, she never complaints when I ask her to meow. Very clever girl. She’s 23 and she’s already independent, multilingual speaker, broadened trained. When I was 23, I was an idiot. :-)

Alright then, I’ve introduced to you my travelling team, the fellowship of the ring. Now, I’ll tell you about Portugal and its stunning places: Know more about Portugal.

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