Thursday, April 7, 2011

Coolest transportation systems in Sydney

Out of all means of transport in Sydney - train, buses, cars, scooters, push-scooters, walking...can LIFTS be considered such?! - the 2 most exciting are without hint of doubt the ferry and the monorail.

In Sydney students and profes
sionals use the ferries as a daily transportation to commute to school or work, and when I realized that, I was astonished and marvelled. In my mind the ferry is a highly simbolic activity, very often it entails that you are on holiday, that you have a lot of time on your side, that the weather is excellent and that you are about to adventurously explore either an island or anyway a new coast: new land! I mean when I pass the threshold of a ferry I feel like Cristopher Columbus with the Nina (Moric), the Pinta (of Guinness) and the Holy Marja (weeellllllll.....)!! ;-)

And now I come to other side of the world, in the bus on the way to work I meet a colleague and what is he saying?! He lives on Manly beach and takes the ferry every morning!!

Guys, I am sorry, I think THIS is the right side of the world uhauhauhauh

I mean it's a bit like taking the roller coaster to go to do shopping! Ok darling, I won't be late, I just need to grab some lettuce, milk, condoms and some cookies for the dog, byyeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! LOL

And from the most historical of transports let's move to the most futuristic one. I mean, I was not ready for this. I catch the train to reach the city for the first time, I get off, I get ripped off when buying a map (10 bucks!!) although feeling relieved that I found one at the same time (thanks for the fraud bro, was it so obvious I am new in town?! Ok ok I'll remove the gloves now loool), yes because I bumped into some desperate who were wandering about, very tanned and with long beards, I thought: “ooohh, finally some aboriginals!!” no, just tourists who did not find a map, you see spiders are not the biggest threat in Australia ;-))

Anyway, I was saying....damn I got lost (it happens quite often to be honest), oh yeah, I am there happy with my huuuge map fighting with it and being sweat afterwards, when, between round 4 and round 5 I happen to raise my eyes and they get crossed: am I in fuc*ing Futurama?!

A 6 meters elevated train runs over my head following a curve and disappearing behind the next skyscraper: ok, first of all let's pull up my jaw ;-P

I love the idea, I love the image, I love feeling to be in a future society! It's brilliant!

Of course I could not wait to jump in, only to find out …. it is a fraud. In fact the entrance fee is 5 bucks which is already a lot, but no worries, here the discounts come for a return trip: 10 bucks! :-S This is what I call incentivating people to travel.

In addition, the windows are blurred so the visual from up there is scarce and finally the track is short, by walking it would take 10/15 minutes more, so it's not worth it.

I will never ride it again (unless some visitors will beg me so), but it is a nice feeling to live in a city that makes of attractions some (more or less) useful connection tools (sorry, my IT inclination had to be vented somehow)!


  1. Caro Luca, grazie della finestra che ci regali su Sidney con i tuoi racconti, le foto, il tuo entusiasmo. Ma non è che questa Australia ti sta cominciando a prendere sul serio....??? E poi, ora che ti sei fatto la donna è finita!!!
    Grande Luk
    Un abbraccio

  2. Non so perchè ma di default mi da il nome di ogni caso tu sai chi sono...

  3. miticoooo!!! si ti ho riconosciuto grandissimo, sia dal grandissimo che dal nome in codice ;-)) finalmente un commentino dal mio compare, evvai! thanks! l'Australia dopo un inizio difficoltoso comincia marciare e a regalare soddisfazioni, emozioni, successi, conoscenze, follie e avventure. ciao magico ;-)
